Violife Vegan Halloumi? About Time!


So how long were you Americans going to keep this one secret eh? UK charity Viva! just posted the following to their Facebook page:

I can’t wait until the morning to share this with you all but I do believe we may soon be getting Violife Halloumi in the UK, how amazing is that?!

It is already for sale in the States and the word is out that it won’t be long before it flies across the pond so keep them peeled and we will let you know when we know more!

Surely it’s only a matter of time until vegan halloumi reaches the UK? Make sure Violife understands the demand by contacting them via email and social media. Until then, we can continue to make halloumi with tofu (which is actually really damn good too!).

UPDATE: Violife have now confirmed that their vegan halloumi will be released nationwide in Sainsburys all across the UK in mid-August!

The post Violife Vegan Halloumi? About Time! appeared first on Anticarnist.

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